Dunkirk, MD

The Warrior Faction is Backing Operation Underground Railroad

Slavery, or worse yet child sex slavery, is alive and well in the world today.  I was unaware of the extent of this scourge until very recently.  Join me in supporting Operation Underground Railroad in the fight for freedom for these innocents!

For a donation of any amount, you'll gain admission to a 2 hour self-defense seminar.  Designed for a low learning curve and employed by over a dozen military and government agencies, this is the most user friendly (and predator unfriendly!) method around.

NOTE: This material is for age 16 through 116, and minors must be accompanied by a parent. (Not because anyone in the class will be in danger.  We require parental involvement when teaching adult level topics)

COMING SOON: Corporate sponsorship!

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Reserve Your Spot

Sessions limited to 20 participants. Current opening is February 17, 2024 at 10 am.  Select the date and time and tap/press 'Continue'. Call us if you have issues!